A relic from the past but still a current activity - the JenUwin party experience!
The show from Oregon Country Fair 2023 featuring songs and activities that Source and Share Joy!
JenUwin loves to be part of the magic at the Oregon Country Fair! She grew up going to the shows there and always wanted to perform 'when she grew up' so here's to a dream come true!
I created this show as a way of featuring one of my students who showed a lot of potential in addition with sharing the music I had learned while traveling and was currently teaching! Thats the way to source and share joy!
Discover how instruments make sound via JenUwin the UNicorn's adventure into a musical forest where she meets and assist instruments with a wonky note!
Discover the History, Mystery, Magic and Lore of Unicorns around the World and through Time and become a unicornologist!
A quick overview from the unicorn & show writer
A quick overview from the unicorn & show writer
Coco, Unicorn Psychosis
Jenifer Joy aka JenUwin the Unicorn
Copyright © 2014 Jenifer Joy & JenUwin Enterprise - All Rights Reserved.